Rick Olson, former CEO, KRM Information Services, Inc., Eau Claire, Wisconsin:
For more than 14 years everyone who worked at our company went through the nine (9) sessions Don Baughman, Ph.D., taught us on healthy communications. We tried to live by their concepts and, when we did, it had a profound impact on our ability to work together and bring out the best in our people.
Conflicts and misunderstandings are part of life. Certainly that is true in the workplace. Don gave us a common language to use in dealing with conflict and a whole set of tools to use when we had to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings. Moreover, we looked at differences as gifts so we can better analyze the opportunities and make better decisions.
The last time Don delivered his lectures at our company (October-November 2013) we captured his lectures and had them transcribed. You will find the entire video series and transcripts here. While we realize this is not something that will work for every organization, we know that when it does it can be life changing. And that positive change not only affects the workplace but carries over to the personal lives of those who embrace these teachings.
The nine (9) sessions are:
Liberating Assumptions
Communications Barriers & Roadblocks
Speaking for Yourself
Deep Listening
Managing Conflict
Collaborative Problem Solving
Myers-Briggs Type Dynamics